The History of Forever Living

The History of Forever Living Products Forever Living Products was incorporated in America in 1978 by Rex Maughan, President and Chairman of the Board. He quickly realized that only a limited supply of Aloe Vera existed in the country. Therefore to assure the company and its distributors a plentiful supply, Forever Living Products acquired its own Aloe Vera plantations. In addition they provided the company with all the product it needed. This also gave Forever Living Products the ability to control the cultivation and quality of Forever Living Products’ Aloe. 

The company's evolution continued, it purchased its own multi-million dollar production facility and fleet of trucks. All to serve the needs of thousands of distributors world-wide.
Forever Living Products are the world's largest grower manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera and Bee products in the world. Forever Living Products currently have 2,500 acres of Aloe Vera production and 3,000 acres under development. By owning the plantation they can control the high standards of an organic growing environment, free from chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Strict quality control and unique world patents on the stabilization process, ensures the aloe used in all Forever Living Products is the very best obtainable.